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| 1 minute read

SEC Rescinds SAB 121: A New Era for Bitcoin and Crypto Custody in Banking

In a groundbreaking move, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has officially rescinded Staff Accounting Bulletin (SAB) No. 121, a rule that has long posed challenges for banks offering bitcoin and crypto custody services. This decision marks a significant shift in the SEC's regulatory approach and opens the door for greater financial integration of cryptocurrencies.

Originally introduced in March 2022, SAB 121 required institutions to record bitcoin and crypto assets held for customers as liabilities, creating operational and financial hurdles that discouraged banks from engaging in crypto services. This rule faced substantial criticism from the crypto industry and lawmakers alike. SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce notably referred to it as a "pernicious weed."

The rescission of SAB 121, announced shortly after the resignation of former SEC Chair Gary Gensler, signals a new era under Acting Chair Mark Uyeda. Uyeda has already established a crypto task force, led by Peirce, to develop clearer regulatory frameworks for the industry.

This change is expected to prompt major banks to swiftly integrate bitcoin and crypto custody services, a crucial step towards mainstream adoption. With SAB 121 now a thing of the past, we are witnessing a pivotal moment in the financialization of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Stay tuned as the landscape continues to evolve.

In a landmark decision, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has officially rescinded Staff Accounting Bulletin (SAB) No. 121, a controversial rule that had long hindered banks from offering bitcoin and crypto custody services.


cybersecurity & data privacy, national security export controls & economic sanctions, finance